explore Pillar

Train on your own terms

Personalised cycling training based on your fitness, goals, and availability

Dynamic training that adapts with your fitness improvements

Flexible training around changing life demands - so you can prioritise your exercise when life gets in the way

Hit your cycling and fitness goals

Smash that sportive, meet likeminded friends, or become better hill climber. Pillar gives you the confidence you need to succeed in whatever you aspire to be.

Find 200+ events in our database, and set multiple event goals to achieve the perfect taper into event season.

We’ll advise you on exactly what you need to do and when you need to do it to achieve your fitness goals and feel fresh enough for each session

It's good fun. Getting fit and ready for that sort of trip really motivates me. Thinking through the winter 'well, you know, if I'm going to do a trip like that in May, I don't want to be getting to April and find that I've lost all of my fitness.'

Your fitness journey in one place

We take into account everything you do across a multitude of sports, not just cycling.

Pillar gives you an accurate picture of you and recommends the right training based on your fitness goals and physiological state.

Understand your readiness to train with our multi system freshness.

at your best

Structured training provides the discipline and accountability that you need to succeed.

Understand your strengths and areas of improvement.

Analyse and track your progress over time.

Stay motivated to keep training by watching as you get fitter and stronger.

Trust in your training

“Simplicity is the key to success. Get the fundamentals (duration, intensity, distribution) right first”

- Ifan Roberts, Coach and Pillar Product Manager

Built by experts and led by science, our training methodology is what the pro’s use to win, and is fit for everybody.

Feel rested, prepared and confident going into each training session.

Connect us to your world

Connect Pillar to your devices to get the most value.

Complete your training wherever you want - indoor or outdoor - Pillar guides you wherever you are.

We’re here to support you on your journey

Contact your cycling coach to get feedback and advice on your training with a couple of taps.

Join The Athlete Hub on Facebook and be part of our growing community of likeminded people.